Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Generation 1.4

After that first afternoon, I was more likely to be in Sunglow’s company than out of it. Mango called long enough to gloat and give me excited well-wishes, then she seemed to leave me to it. I got the feeling that I might not be the only one with a romance brewing. If so, I wished her all the luck as well.

The weeks passed, and I got to know Sunglow more and more. It turns out that he was interested in a professional sports career. He was only a ‘paid fan’ at the moment, but had high hopes of being promoted very soon. Most importantly, the more I got to know him the more he got to know me, and didn’t show any signs of backing down or changing his mind about being around me. In fact, it wasn’t long at all before he told me that he loved me, and asked me to be his official girlfriend.

I was still a bit bashful, but way to excited and thrilled by the idea to let it deter me for long. I accepted, of course, and told him that I felt the same.

And then Sunglow made the moment even more memorable by swooping in and giving me my first ever kiss. I may have never been kissed before that, but I was still certain that this one had been one of the best kisses in the world, ever.

Aside from my thrilling new love-life, things continued as usual on the farm. My garden was coming right along. I had harvestable apple trees, tomato vines and lettuce plants now, with a lime tree and a couple grape vines still in their growing stages. They didn’t get me a whole lot at the market, but it was enough to pay my bills at least and for that I had to be grateful.

I had also scrounged up enough to finally afford a T.V. It’s just a little old thing, doesn’t get that many channels, but it’s fine for me. I loved watching the Malta Stewing show, she was so crafty and great with flowers.

Other than that things were just about  the same. The toilet still managed to get dirty on an annoyingly regular basis.

And I did battle with the kitchen sink at least once or twice a week.

That night Sunglow was due to come over for an evening visit after work at the Stadium. I prepared for it by allowing myself the luxury of a long bubble-bath soak. Both to relax my still-fluttery nerves as well as clean off the dirt and sweat that was still lingering from my work in the garden earlier that day.

True to his word, Sunglow arrived at my house just after 9. We both sat on my sad little loveseat and started to watch a movie he’d brought. After a moment of sitting on opposite ends though, he grinned and motioned for me to scoot closer.

I blushed a bit, but certainly didn’t want to refuse the offer. So after a second of building up my courage I cuddled into Sunglow’s side.

He sighed with what might have been utter contentment, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and squeezing me closer. My head settled onto his large shoulder, and I didn’t think things could ever possibly get better than this moment.

Oh how wrong I was about that, when Sunglow suddenly turned toward me a moment later, captured my mouth with his and proved to me just how much better it could get.

Suddenly the room was too hot, my clothes were too tight, I felt like a stranger in my own skin. To say that I’d never felt like this before would be a vast understatement. His kisses were intoxicating. Even more was the feel of his hands skimming my body, even through my clothes. And then he was suddenly reaching for the fasteners of my jumper.

Somehow I managed to have a sudden coherent thought through the haze of lust. If things continued much longer, I was pretty sure I was gonna kiss my virginity goodbye. As much as I loved Sunglow, I just wasn’t ready for that yet. It was hard, one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I somehow I found the strength to pull away.

I had some satisfaction from the fact that Sunglow seemed as out of breath and flustered as I was. He gave me a questioning look with those melty yellow eyes of his and it took every ounce of strength I had not to fall back into his arms.

“Is something wrong?” he murmured.

“N-no, I just . . . .” I turned away, suddenly feeling wretched and sure that I was about to mess everything up. “I just . . . I want to wait until I’m married before I . . . you know,” I fumbled. “I’m sorry.”

The next thing I knew Sunglow stood up, pulled me to my feet as well and then wrapped me up in a gentle hug.

“Don’t, Nilla Bean,” he murmured a little gruffly into my hair. I had to smile at his pet-name for me. I thought it was adorable. “Don’t you dare apologize for something like that,” Sunglow continued. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

I couldn’t believe he wasn’t getting mad at me. Then again, I could. Sunglow was just about perfect in every other way, why not now, too? “You mean it?” I somehow managed, and he gave me another squeeze in answer.

“Absolutely. If you want to wait, then we’ll wait. It’s your choice Nilla Bean, and I can respect that.”

Sunglow left not long after that, and I was a little grateful. As much as I missed him when he was gone, after that little episode on the couch I needed to cool myself down a bit. I think he felt the same. In order to distract myself I pulled out the cutting board and some veggies and started on my dinner. While I cut lettuce, I couldn’t help but go back to what he said over and over in my head.

If you want to wait, then we’ll wait . . . .

Did that mean what I thought . . . could Sunglow actually want to marry me? Oh Berry, I sure hoped so. For one, there wasn’t anything more that I wanted than the chance to spend the rest of my life with him. Also, if he didn’t hurry up and make an honest sim out of me, I had a sinking suspicion that my own raging hormones might eventually tell my morals to go take a hike.

((Part four complete! Hope you enjoyed!))

1 comment:

  1. YAY what a great installment! :) "Nilla Bean" that was sooo precious, he's such a good little catch for her! I can't wait for more Lynn!
